Legal notice
本网站(以下简称“本网站”)属于“皇冠体育app管理有限责任公司”(以下简称“公司”)所有。. 本网站引用本公司关联公司网站(以下简称关联公司网站). The Affiliates have their own legal existence and independent legal status. “我们”、“我们”和“我们的”“集团”是指本公司和/或其关联公司. General terms and conditions of use and policies related to personal data protection, or any other document relating to the protection of personal data, apply to the Websites of Affiliates.
本网站及本网站下的资料是在“现状”和“现有”的基础上提供的,不作任何形式的保证, either express or implied. The Company disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement. 本公司不声明或保证本网站或其服务器不含病毒或其他有害成分.
本网站提供的信息和建议(以下简称“信息”)是真诚提供的. They are supposed to be correct at the time they are published on the Website. 然而,我们既不代表也不保证信息的完整性和准确性. You fully assume the risks associated with the credit you give them. 向您提供这些信息的条件是,您或任何其他收到这些信息的人可以在使用这些信息之前确定其对特定目的的兴趣. In no event, 我们将对因依赖或使用该信息而可能造成的任何损害承担责任. 本资料不应被视为使用资料的建议, products, procedures, 与任何知识产权相抵触的设备或配方. We decline any liability, express or implied, if the use of the Information contravenes an intellectual property right.
No warranty, express or implied, is given regarding the commercial nature of the Information provided, nor as to their suitability for a particular purpose, nor as to the products referred to in such Information. Under no circumstances, 我们承诺更新或更正将在互联网或其网络服务器上发布的信息. 我们保留随时修改或更正本网站内容的权利,恕不另行通知. The Company shall not bear any liability in relation to such modification or change.
We do not guarantee, without this list being exhaustive, 本网站的运行不会中断,提供访问本网站的服务器和/或超文本链接所指向的第三方网站不含病毒.
In no event shall the Company be liable for any direct, special, indirect, or consequential damages, or any other damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, loss of use, loss of profits, or loss of data, whether in an action in contract, tort (including but not limited to negligence), or otherwise, 产生于或以任何方式与使用本网站或所载资料有关, or accessed through, this Website.
IP Rights
The Website contains material including text, photographs and other images and sound, which is protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights. 本公司拥有本材料的所有版权和其他知识产权,或者这些权利的所有者已向其授权关联公司,以便其可以将本材料用作本网站的一部分. 本网站还包含商标,包括“公司”及其关联公司的标志. All trademarks included on this Website belong to the Company or to its Affiliates.
您承认本公司/关联公司或授予本公司/关联公司权利的第三方拥有本网站所有材料的所有权, which are the copyrighted works of Company/Affiliates or the third parties, with all rights reserved. Such materials include but are not limited to design, text, graphics, files, photographs, video and audio clips, and the selection and arrangement thereof. The Company authorizes you to view and use the Website with the following restrictions: 1) use must be solely for your personal informational and noncommercial purpose; 2) downloading is limited to one electronic or hard copy of limited portions; 3) each page downloaded must include this copyright statement displayed in a prominent position: "Nobel Energy Management LLC. All rights reserved."; 4) materials cannot be modified, forwarded, displayed, distributed, performed, or published in any media without the prior written permission of the Company.
未经本公司明确书面同意,您不得将本网站的任何部分装裱或使用装裱技术. 未经本公司明确书面同意,您不得使用元标签或使用本公司/关联公司名称或商标和服务标志的任何其他隐藏文本.
The use of automated systems to access, acquire, 明确禁止在本网站下载与商业目的有关的信息, 或以直接或间接侵犯任何个人隐私利益的方式. The word "Nobel Energy" the Nobel Energy logo, and the products and services described in this Website are either trademarks, trade names, or service marks of Nobel Energy and Affiliates, or are the property of their respective owners. These marks may not be copied, imitated, or used, in whole or in part, 未经本公司或其各自关联公司明确事先书面许可, and then with the proper acknowledgments. In addition, page headers, custom graphics, button icons, and scripts may be service marks, trademarks, or trade dress of the Company or its Affiliates, and may not be copied, imitated, or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the Company or its Affiliates.
All information or documents (texts, animated or static images, sounds, photographs, know-how, 在网站上显示的报价产品)以及为网站创建的所有元素及其总体结构, are either the property of the Company, or are subject to use, reproduction and representation rights that have been granted to such. These information, 在本网站提供给公众的文件和物品均受版权保护法律的约束. 除浏览本网站外,没有就知识产权向任何人授予任何许可或任何权利. 本网站文件的复制仅被授权作为个人和私人使用的信息. 任何复制和用于其他目的的任何副本都是明确禁止的,并须事先获得公司的明确授权.
Personal Data
本公司以个人同意为处理个人资料的法律依据, individuals can withdraw their consent at any time. Visitors wishing to withdraw their consent should notify us at and we will stop the processing of your personal data as soon as reasonably possible. All personal data will be stored and protected within the limits of local laws.
We use cookies and other local storage technologies or files such as pixels, tags, 网络信标和本地共享对象(有时称为“flash cookie”),当您访问本网站时,我们将其存储在您的计算机或移动设备上. 存储在您的计算机或移动设备上的cookie和文件有助于定制您对网站的使用,并有助于避免每次访问时重新输入您的详细信息. You can erase or block this information from your computer. Flash cookies may use parts of your device other than your browser, 这意味着您可能无法使用浏览器工具和设置来控制它们的使用.
Changes to these Terms
The Company reserves the right to change, modify, or update the terms and conditions of this legal statement, at any time without notice. The Company shall not bear any liability in relation to such changes.
Applicable laws
These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic. 因您使用本网站或本网站提供的任何服务而引起的或与之相关的任何争议或索赔,应由阿塞拜疆共和国法院解决.