

诺贝尔的能量 to develop solar power plant in Jabrayil

诺贝尔的能量 to develop solar power plant in Jabrayil


The joint development of a 100MW photovoltaic solar power plant will be executed in two stages. 初始阶段, 由50兆瓦, 计划在2027年完工吗, with the remaining capacity to be installed in subsequent years.

The plant aims to generate some 180 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, 为大约58人提供电力,000户家庭. The 建设 phase of the plant will engage a workforce totaling 600 individuals, while its commissioning will lead to the creation of 80 permanent jobs.

Vugar Samadli, 皇冠体育app首席执行官表示:“我们很高兴有机会成为该地区绿色转型计划的一部分,这符合皇冠体育app为该地区及其他地区的低碳未来做出贡献的战略意图. 注重效率和安全, 我们技术精湛、久经考验的工程师团队, 设计师, and technicians is the driving force in the successful execution of solar power project of any scale." 

A customized technical protocol outlining a series of activities has been agreed upon and signed with Azerenerji, the primary electricity producer and transmission system operator in the country. 另外, the project land plot has been approved by relevant government institutions in the Jabrayil district.

目前, 相关投资协议, 购电协议, and grid connection agreement are being developed jointly with the Ministry of Energy of Azerbaijan and Azerenerji. 


皇冠体育app集团, 是NEQSOL Holding的一部分, 是综合能源生产吗, 发展和服务公司致力于为全球向可持续和低碳未来的转型做出贡献. 通过利用可信赖的专业知识, 集成解决方案, 先进的技术, 战略合作伙伴关系, 以及对创新的高度重视, 皇冠体育app将自己定位为在全球范围内交付复杂和可持续基础设施项目的可靠合作伙伴.